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List of Diseases That Can Be Prevented by Handwashing

Washing hands with soap and running water has proven to be able to prevent various infectious diseases, including corona virus infection.

Washing your hands with soap and running water is indeed seen as a simple activity. But who would have thought, this one action could also prevent various dangerous diseases.

Yes, washing hands is not only for personal hygiene, it also helps prevent the following diseases:

  1. Diarrhea

Salmonella,  E. coli, hepatitis A virus, or worm eggs which are the most common causes of diarrhea can enter the body with food, especially if you don't maintain good hand hygiene.

Therefore, for those of you who don't want to have diarrhea, washing your hands with soap and running water must be done at important times, such as before eating, after going to the toilet, or after your activities.

  1. Pneumonia

Acute airway infections and  pneumonia  can trigger death in children under 5 years.

The good news, diligently washing hands with soap and running water can reduce the incidence of respiratory tract infections by 25 percent.

Not only pneumonia,  common cold  or colds can also be warded off by diligently washing hands using soap and running water.

  1. Plague Prevention

By washing hands, you can help the government program in preventing disease outbreaks, such as  ebola  and cholera.

Both are diseases that are the focus of the government so they can be eliminated immediately.

  1. Nosocomial Infection

Handwashing with soap and running water needs to be implemented by medical personnel. This can prevent  nosocomial infections  (which are associated with hospitals), which is a cause of antibiotic resistance and can require hospitalization for patients to recover.

  1. Parasitic infection

Besides being able to reduce the risk of developing skin and eye diseases, washing hands with soap and running water can also be relied upon to prevent worm infections in the digestive tract.

In addition to the five diseases that have been mentioned, washing hands with soap and running water can also be said to prevent coronavirus virus infection.

Wash Your Hands to Prevent Corona Virus Infection

Novel coronavirus (nCov) or more commonly known as corona virus is a type of virus that is still a family with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-Cov) and SARS (acute respiratory infection).

The corona virus is responsible for the severe lung infections experienced by residents of Wuhan, China. This virus is rumored to have spread to several regions in Asian countries, even to Australia and America.

Corona virus is proven to be transmitted from animals to humans, also from humans to humans. This viral infection can cause the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Hard to breathe
  • Sore throat
  • Failure to breath
  • Kidney failure
  • Dead

Corona virus is very deadly and must be watched out for. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the spread of the virus can be prevented by washing hands with soap and running water regularly. 

How to Wash Hands to Prevent Corona Virus

The following are effective ways to wash hands to prevent corona virus infections and other diseases:

  • Wet your hands with clean running water and use enough antibacterial soap.
  • Foam the soap and rub the palms by attaching the palm of one hand to the other.
  • Rub the backs of your hands. Right palm rubs the back of the left hand. Do the opposite hand.
  • Clean between your fingers by crossing the fingers of the right hand with the left.
  • Rub the inside and back of the fingers with the position of the fingertips interlocking.
  • Clean the thumb. Rub your left hand's thumb around in the grip of your right hand. Vice versa.
  • Do not forget the nails and fingertips. Clean by closing the tips of the fingers so they meet. Then, rub it on the opposite palm. Also do the opposite hand.

All these steps must be carried out for a minimum of 20 seconds, with clean running water and of course using antibacterial soap. Afterwards, dry it with a hand dryer, wipe or clean hand towel.

Source: https://www.klikdokter.com

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