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Home Remedies for Cough in Kids

Cough is the most common ailment in children, especially in winters. It can be distressing and frustrating for your child to deal with this harrowing hack. Coughs are of different types- barky cough, whooping cough, and dry cough. The major causes of cough are upper respiratory infection, common cold, sinusitis, acid reflux and asthma. It is accompanied with several symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, sound while breathing, runny/stuffy nose, chest tightness, lethargy, wheezing, difficulty breathing, restlessness and fever. You should avoid over-th

e counter medications, particularly, if your tot is less than 4 years, as they may result in side-effects. Several ingredients available in your kitchen can spill magic. You must consult a doctor immediately, in case, cough persists for more than a week and the kid has chest pain, blood while coughing, turns red or purple, and high fever.

Keep Her Head in Upright Position

If the age of your baby is more than one, put a few pillows underneath his/her head, back and shoulders so as to keep head elevated. It will facilitate easy breathing.

Use a Humidifier

Run a cool-mist humidifier for a night in your child’s room. It will keep the airways of the tot moist and clear. Open the windows in the morning to let humid air go out of the room, otherwise, it may result in the growth of molds.
Let Him/ Her Rest

Cough can exhaust a child, as it requires a lot of energy to wrestle with an infection. The more your child will rest, the sooner s/he will recover.

Give your toddler a steam bath. Run a hot shower and shut the doors of the bathroom. Sit inside with your kid at least for fifteen minutes before going to bed at night. It will not only help getting rid of cough, but also provides sound sleep. In the morning, repeat the same procedure for 15 minutes. It will loosen nasal and chest congestion, and make it easy for the child to blow the cough out.

Use a Humidifier

Run a cool-mist humidifier for a night in your child’s room. It will keep the airways of the tot moist and clear. Open the windows in the morning to let humid air go out of the room, otherwise, it may result in the growth of molds.

Chicken Soup

Serve warm chicken soup to your kid. According to a research, chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties that temporarily thin mucus, relieves congestion, soothes throat and reduces cough. It also effectively alleviates the symptoms associated with cold.

Source​ ៖ www.homeremedyshop.com

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