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How To Control That Sudden Cough Attack

Cough attacks can strike you anytime and anywhere and leave you gasping for breath when you least expect it. This sort of a coughing attack is usually a reaction to mucus or phlegm that irritates your throat. Even though they don't last for long, a coughing spree can be extremely uncomfortable when it happens to you in public. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to control sudden cough attacks. Read on to find out more about it.


To stop sudden cough attacks breathe deeply through your nose and then close your mouth and nose to hold your breath. Keep holding on to your breath for as long as you can. Once you exhale, take your next breath though your nose again, this should calm the cough.

As soon as you're struck with cough attack try breathing slowly through your nose and try to control the cough. When you think it has calmed down a bit, drink some hot water to soothe your throat.

Try this breathing technique - take deep breaths only through your nose every eight seconds. Continue this for a few minutes for the cough attack to calm down.

If you're at home, quickly gulp in a spoon of honey to stop the cough attack.

Sipping of hot liquids like tea or milk can also reduce the throat irritation.

Sucking on lozenges and hard candies can also be quite helpful.

Take a piece of ginger and sprinkle it with some salt. Ginger is a very effective remedy to heal an irritated throat.

If the cough does not stop and keeps reoccurring within short intervals, gargle with some salt water to clear your throat.

If you don't have access to any other remedies, just drink some regular water and breathe through your nose.

Source​ ៖ www.indiatimes.com

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