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Foods to Avoid When You Have Type 2 Diabetes


Know What to Avoid
Diabetics have higher than normal levels of blood sugar. Over time, this may result in heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure, nerve damage and blindness.

Diabetes also can lead to blood circulation problems and amputations. A healthy diet for diabetes will help you manage your weight and lead you toward foods that have a positive effect on your glucose levels, while guiding you away from those foods that are likely to cause dangerous spikes in your blood sugar. Learn which nine foods you should steer clear of if you have type 2 diabetes.

  • Sugary Foods

Soda, sweets, desserts, and other foods that are made primarily of processed sugar are considered low-quality carbohydrates

  • Fruit Juice

While fiber-rich whole fruits are considered healthy carbohydrates for people with diabetes,If you want a refreshing drink, go for zero-calorie plain or naturally flavored seltzer with a spritz of lemon or lime.

  • Full-Fat Dairy

You’ve probably heard that the saturated fats in dairy products can raise your LDL cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease.

  • Fried Foods

You may have a weakness for french fries, fried chicken, potato chips, fried dough, and the like, but kicking this craving will be better for your health in the long run. Fried foods typically soak up tons of oil, which equates to lots of extra calories

Source​ ៖ www.everydayhealth.com

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